Monday, August 4, 2008

Check Around Town

During the Christmas season, there are usually a lot of free to the public events going on. I know in our area a local business owner decorates his yard FANTASTICALLY and puts on a laser show every year. This is, of course, free to the public and our kids LOVE it. Grab a newspaper or browse the internet to see what what free seasonal events are occurring in your area.

Make some Holiday Ornaments

Instead of purchasing ornaments for your tree, why not make some? You can use the old salt dough, cut it with holiday themed cookie cutters, and let it air dry. Decorate these, paint them, add some sizzle and hang them up or give them to friends and family to hang on their trees! Another idea from a reader is to use acorns and paint Santa faces on them (with the tops as hats!)

Give the Gift of... Candy!

Can't think of what to get the not so close relatives for Christmas you don't want to spend a fortune on? Buy some simple Christmas cocoa mugs from the local dollar store and some bags of different Hershey's Kisses. You can fill the mugs with Kisses, wrap them and give them to friends. They make a great and cheap gift!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Holiday Bonfires

In our area of Louisiana, most holidays are celebrated by lighting bonfires. These bonfires can get pretty elaborate and a multitude of families usually work together to build one. You don't have to go with a full blown bonfire, of course, and can make do with a campfire. Invite family, neighbors, friends, strangers, and get out the marshmallows. Sing songs, tell stories, it's a great way to have fun and socialize.

Click here to read about our beautiful Christmas Eve Bonfire History! =)

Monday, July 7, 2008

Make Your Halloween Costumes

Pre-made Halloween costumes are an expense you can do without. Look around in your closets and be creative with your own existing supplies. I made a costume with a black pillowcase (cut two eyeholes), an old graduation gown, and a cardboard axe that actually won a costume contest.

Of course, if you're in a hurry, you can grab an old white sheet, cut you two eyeholes and go as a ghost!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Need a Gift? Order Online

With the cost of gas rising (and rising and rising), the wife and I have started to do a lot of our shopping over the internet. We have found that by shopping online we can find great prices and have the gift shipped directly to us!

Saves time and money. You can't get any thriftier than that!

A great way to shop is by using an online shopping mall that pays you rebates on all of your purchases. Get a free personal mall to shop for yourself, or a free business mall if you want to share your mall with others and make rebates on their purchases too! My Power Mall is a GREAT solution for all of your shopping needs.

*Note, My Power Mall is our online mall of choice, because there are NO MEMBERSHIP fees to use their service, and we absolutely LOVE the company mission statement.

From the company website:

MPM is totally committed to changing the world. 6% of all corporate profits go into the One-Child-At-A-Time program helping needy children all over the country.

But that is just the beginning.

*Our program will be used to help raise funds for Non-profit organizations, schools and churches all over America.

*We are also proud to be partnered with Together We Can Change The World Day, a company committed to mobilizing millions to work in their communities the first Saturday of every month.

By becoming part of MY POWER MALL you are joining a much larger Family of people committed to making a difference in the world.